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Accounting & Finance
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Tourism / Hotels / Restaurants

Job vacancies at all level:

Jobs in Mombasa was built to simplify online job hunting. Whether you are a fresh graduate, an employee looking to transfer jobs, or an executive who wish to grow his career, we will bring your options right in front of you. All you have to do is browsing job offers, submit an application, and wait for call backs and interview invitations.

It’s that simple! So, start browsing all available jobs we have here in Jobs in Mombasa. We post new jobs daily...

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We connecting you with leading companies arround Mombasa. Find job offers from popular emplo­yers like:

Why apply for Jobs online?

Digital platforms have changed the job market completly and Smartphones refashioned job seeking. We was designed to simplify job seeking in Kenya and we wants to be the job market of choice for candidates. Our goal is to connect people to jobs and make good jobs available for everyone. Through our App we make it easier for employers to find qualified applicants as well as job seekers can find career opportunities they have always been looking for.


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